underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
the lazy one and the vague updates
1:37 AM

As usual, I've rarely got the urge to blog these days. Too many things seems to whiz in and out of my life and I haven't really been keen to update it onto the blog.

Hmm, yeah. Now that I really think about it, waaay too many things happened, and too little time to breath in between, let alone blogging it out.

Haven't been able to get adequate sleep lately, urgh.

Been watching Narnia these two days. I've to say, I'm quite impressed. I was quite skeptical about it, since it sounded way too catered to children. But apparently, its still alright. (Though there's quite alot of Christian themes to it)

Apart from that, AFA, school and everything's got me exhausted. But theres quite a good deal and interesting stuffs that happened along with it; and due to my lazy nature, I'm not about to elaborate.


It's got me into thinking, yes I do think, (despite my refusal to use my brains for proper use [yes, its brains. you have the left, the right and central brain]) many people seems to abandon their friends.

And I'm quite irritated by this one, or maybe two person. But it seems that we all really need to get on with life. Whatever's going to happen, I guess I can't really help it.


On a side note, apart from being irritated, it doesn't really affect me. Maybe its just that, I've gotten used and liked solitude. Crowds are fun, but solitude doesn't mean boring or sad.

Ugh, its quite hard to put it into words you know.


And for a side note on any random people who chanced upon this blog. I'm quite a person who's not able to speak to anyone. I run out of topics fast, I'm don't have a glib tongue, and I'm blunt.

Wait, what? Why am I even bothering to write this?

Well, whatever. Its high time that I get my shower and prep for bed. I still have school.


Life, is like riding on a train.

You, will ultimately sit through the entire ride.

The train has uncountable stops

Friends are the ones who sit through for awhile

Strangers are the ones who do not board the same train.

Ultimately, you will be the one reaching the final stop.


How entertaining, boring, the train ride will be

Lies with you.

Some things are set in stone, some things aren't.

Cherish all those around you,

for life only happen once.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
back from hiatus.
4:10 PM

After another long break from blogging, maybe its high time that I get back into it.

Haven't been doing much lately, besides schooling and gaming.

Been working alot as well! Ugh, its really tiring; walking around the hot Singapore, bringing my Japanese students around.

But it gives me a sense of self-satisfication.

School.. Haven't been interesting, as usual. But I've grown to like one or two of the new modules.

Etiquette and Professional Imaging
Fundamentals of Marketing

After saving a wee bit of cash (in the bank of course), its tempting me to spend them.

Oh, I've got a new object of fascination/obsession! LOL

But its a hush hush. ;P No one will ever know, save a few people. lol
