underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
macau and hairy matters.
1:04 AM

After a few days I got back from Macau, I've finally got my lazy ass into blogging.

Macau trip was pretty fun, despite the fact that I've got into a few quarrel with my mum and various matter that happened throughout the trip, all in all, it was good.

I came into a realization (not that I didn't realize actually), that the views of my family on me was pretty screwed up.

They thought that I'm:

1) Childish

2)Stubborn (And thus leading to the childish thing all over again)


4)Lack of knowledge

Come to think of it, they've always treated me like a child. All these lack of communication, they always think that my opinions are dumb and useless; just because I like different things and held different beliefs.

I beg to differ.

I think that I held different beliefs, and have very strong faith in it. You can say I'm sugar-coating, or whatever. But thats what I think I really am. Just because I had a minority-level of opinion (long hair, different fashion), doesn't mean that I'm the one in the wrong.

I think up till now, only my ex-form teacher truly understands me; at least in the matters of hair length. I quote him, word for word, in regards for two of my oral examination results.

"Wow Wayne. It seems that the longer your hair, the better your results"

I have to say, its pretty true. In two different oral examination (the first one where I sport a short hair, and the 2nd one where I had way longer hair; breaking the school rules by a bit.), the first one I scored 33, the 2nd, 39.

Call me 心里作用 or whatever. But thats the truth. 

In a nutshell, I can only do well when I feel good about myself. Yes, about myself, me feeling good about it. I don't care if people thinks me sporting a long hair is ugly. As long as I pass my own sub-standard and felt good about it, it doesn't matter.

But it seems that all don't agree.

And I'm not about to press on the matter. 

If worse come to worse? I'll just shave bald.

Today's entry wasn't much, but I couldn't be bothered to anymore.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010
3:57 AM

Another 2 years, 12 months and 13 days to the day of reckoning.

Or so some people claimed that the Mayan calendar ends on that day.

Its been really long since I last blogged. What, a month or so?

The final term of my year 1 has begun, and so has the final exams are just rounding the corner. And here I am, sitting on my chair, hitting the keys on my laptop and watching the time goes by.

Flying to Macau in about 18 hours!  Can't say I'm not hyped about the thoughts of flying to overseas.

Things... are getting better. December to January has been a good transition to a new year. I've got to know a lot of new people. Like, a real lot of people. And sure, this holiday has been a good way to relieve my 'stress'. It was a fun one, albeit busy and tiresome.

EOY'09 has ended. It wasn't a bad event, just really cramped. But the organizers worked hard, so no complains there.

Theres been a lot of things that I really want to update about, but somehow I don't feel like doing it now. Maybe it's cause I'm real tired now.

Just updating so people know I'm still alive.


happy new year people.
